
Social Media

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Download Large Files on Baidu Without Account in 2020 (Updated)

Are you finding it hard to download files on in 2021? I have added a new trick to download large files on Baidu that perfectly working.

Have you been in a situation of downloading a file on Baidu and you are not from China or you live outside China? I know how difficult this could be when you don’t have an account on Baidu, creating an account on Baidu can be as tough as hell since the platform makes it necessary you own a Chinese phone number for verification.

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can download large files and as many more on Baidu without an account or having to install the PC client on your computer.

If you drop your download link in the comment section, make sure to click on follow comment to get a notification when your file is available.Click here to Create your Baidu account



  • Google translate addon for chrome (since you don’t speak or read Chinese you need a translator to help you with that)
  • Google Chrome browser
  • Internets download manager
  • Tampermonkey Beta: this addon helps you with the manipulation of pages with the help of a script
  • Costnow Script: also used to manipulate pages.


  • If you don’t have a chrome browser on your PC you can download it from here
  • Open your chrome browser and click on the menu buttonmore toolsextension and toggle on the developer mode (located at the top right bar)
  • Now go to chrome extension web store to install the required addons for the task
  • Search and install Tampermonkey Beta
  • After installation of Tampermonkey Beta click on the tampermonkey beta icon located at the top right corner of your browser
  • Click on create new script, clear the default code and paste the code below into the editor section and click on save.
// ==UserScript== // @name 解决百度云大文件下载限制 (路人添加版) // @namespace undefined // @version 0.0.6+ // @description 一行代码,解决百度云大文件下载限制 // @author 原作者:funianwuxin // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ ‘use strict’; Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator),’platform’,{get:function(){return ‘sb_baidu’;}}) (function(){ var href=location.href; /http:/.test(href)?location.href=’https’+href.slice(4):0; }()); Click here to download Script
  • You must have installed the google translate and internet download manager

How To Use Google Translate On Baidu Site

After your successful installation of the addon, visit the Baidu page you want to download from, click on the google translate icon and click on translate this page, wait for some seconds for the page to be translated to English.

On the Baidu page, select the file you would like to download, finish the captcha verification process and you are good to go.

Use Of Internet Download Manager

The internet download manager addon serves as your download client since you don’t have a Baidu account to download with.

If this tutorial is not working for you, please drop your download link in the comment box or follow this link to create your Baidu accountClick here to Create your Baidu account
Useful Links

If The Above Trick Did Not Work Try This Method

Recently the above trick to download on Baidu stopped working, so I have come up with a new trick that is perfectly working

Follow the previous step to integrate the Baidu script in tampermonkey or better still install the script from Greasy Fork

Now visit your preferred file link and try to download it. You might be asked to fill captcha multiple times so keep trying and it will start downloading.

Still Can’t Download?

Click Here To Get a Free Baidu Account Username and Password

Hi! I'm Samuel, but you probably guessed that. I'm here to help you with the technical, social, and business sides of blogging so that you can focus on the most important part of your blog: your content. You can learn more about me here. Go ahead and ask me anything.
I am the brain behind this Blog.


  1. gustav
    February 13, 2019


    first: thanks for your work.
    Second: is this still working? If yes, how can i install the script correctly? i have idm, tampermonky and the “script” but i can’t seem to get the download link for/with idm


    • Muideen Samuel
      February 16, 2019

      Hello Gustav
      Please take a look at the image in this post to confirm if you installed the tampermonkey script correctly, and concerning the download link for idm. If you use the idm add-on for chrome? It is expected to fetch the the link automatically. But, if you installed it directly on your PC I recommend you copy the download link and past it manually.

      Thanks for the visit.

      • gustav
        March 1, 2019

        Thanks for you answer.

        So i got the idm integration module extension for chrome and the script in tampermonkey. the problem is that when i click the downlaod button and enter the captcha, it just tells me to download the netdisk client and prompts me to download it with idm.

        • Muideen Samuel
          March 6, 2019

          Hello Gustav,
          Due to the new update, get netdisk and you can proceed with your download.
          I will share solution in future

          Thanks for visiting Gustav.

          • Albert
            May 3, 2019


            First of all many thanks for your Job.

            I have the same problem as gustav, after i click download, the website request me to install the netdisk client. I got the netdisk as you sugggest but i’m unable to download the file.

            I have installed the Internet download manager and the idm addon on chrome browser.

            Thanks for any help in advance.


        • Muideen Samuel
          September 9, 2019

          The post has been updated Gustav, you can try the new trick

    • hoanghai
      May 9, 2020

      mình nhận làm baidu nhé các bạn lh call & zalo 0372892657

  2. fatima
    March 19, 2019

    thanks for your hardwork.

    I did everything in the tutorial but still Can’t download with idm.

  3. dfdf
    April 10, 2019

    NOt working, of corse, like everything else…

  4. no no
    April 27, 2019

    Doesn’t work, never did.

    This is a 3+ year old tutorial that hasn’t worked for 2+ years.

  5. cheng
    May 22, 2019

    I did everything in the tutorial but still Can’t download with idm

    • Muideen Samuel
      September 9, 2019

      Hello Cheng,
      This tutorial has been updated you can try again.

  6. bobi
    September 10, 2019

    You can quickly download from baidu through the service speedbaidu I asked them to download them, everything is ok

  7. Sai
    February 16, 2020

    Hi – I reach the baidu page. Yhe problem is that when i click the download button and enter the captcha, It just tells me to download the netdisk client or open with YunDetectService. How do I proceed from here?

  8. Sai
    February 16, 2020

    Hi – So i got the IDM integration module extension for chrome and the script in tampermonkey. the problem is that when i click the download button and enter the captcha, it just tells me to download the netdisk client. How can this be fixed?

  9. Thompson
    February 21, 2020

    Tried this as of 22 February 2020, the “updated” script and all. Tried for almost an hour.

    Question to you Sam, have you successfully downloaded a file from Baidu using your method? Every single comment have explicitly stated this doesn’t work. Here’s a file I’ve been trying to download. If you successfully download this and upload to a google drive for me to download, people might actually believe this works.

    • Muideen Samuel
      March 9, 2020

      Please provide the extraction code

  10. Trinh
    March 6, 2020

    I have tried all the methods above and it does not work. It keeps asking me to install baidu netdisk, which I did, but of course without a baidu account (because I have no Chinese cell phone number to register one), I still doesn’t work. I think all the people commented above have the exact same problem which hasn’t fixed yet, either updated or not.

  11. JuanPa
    March 24, 2020

    Thanks for your work, but, it did not work for me, I already tried several times but nothing.

    I share the link of the file that I want to download I hope and you can help me:

  12. Grace
    March 29, 2020

    Thanks for your working but it cant work for me. The password is qid7 and the link is
    Hope you can help me. Thanks again

  13. Grace
    March 29, 2020

    Thanks for the methods that you share but it cant work for me.
    This is the link of the file and the password is qid7. Hope you can help during your free time. Thanks.

  14. Nirupam
    April 15, 2020

    Can you get me the following file from panbaodu, please? It will be very helpful for me.
    extraction code:8bk3

  15. David
    April 18, 2020

    Hi Muideen.
    I am following the new tutorial but I cannot create it because it does not accept Spanish telephones.
    I need a file to recover my terminal, I could download it and send it to my email, I would appreciate it. Thank you

    • Muideen Samuel
      April 18, 2020

      If Spanish telephones is not available I don’t think there’s something I can do.

      You can reach Me through the contact page there should be a way out.

  16. Paige
    April 24, 2020

    Hi Muideen,

    I’ve tried almost everything I’ve seen around to download a file from pan baidu and nothing works. I know you have another tutorial available, but i don’t have an android phone, only an Iphone.

    Could perhaps help in downloading this file for me?

    Otherwise is there anything iphone users can do to download files?



  17. Oscar
    May 2, 2020

    can you help me download a file, what I try and I try and I can’t download it :c

    Contraseña: w814

  18. bull
    May 7, 2020

    This is all bullshit. There’s no way to download from Baidu even by doing all this.

  19. Sebastian666
    May 8, 2020

    thanks friend, but it did not work, neither this, nor the other option of the duspeaker …

    I resigned myself, a whole day trying to get that file out of the Chinese and I couldn’t, just thanks.

    • Muideen Samuel
      May 8, 2020

      Am So sorry Sebastian

      The DuSpeaker link as been updated in the other post

  20. Jessica Lacy
    May 11, 2020

    download link not open.

  21. Doug
    May 17, 2020

    Hi, could you try to download a file for me? It’s only 79,3MB, and I tried all methods above, with no result. I don’t have an Android Device as well.

    Here’s the link:
    Code: ly4d

    I Appreciate it.

  22. Dan B
    May 18, 2020

    Any way someone could help me with two files I have been trying to get for quite a while?

    Link: Password: 571x
    Link: Password: ndfk

    Thank you in advance!!!!!!!!

  23. A C
    May 23, 2020

    Thank you Sam! Your method of registering worked for me! I wanted to leave message in appreciation.

  24. AJA
    May 24, 2020

    Hey man, thaks for sharing
    I already have baidu account but idk why when I verifying my account via SMS
    I’m not recieving any SMS from baidu
    I got my account around 2 years ago and it works fine for almost 1 year

    so do you have any solution without login to the baidu website?

    • Muideen Samuel
      May 27, 2020

      create another account with a different phone number and download the Baidu netdisk on your phone, that should solve the problem.

  25. JM
    May 25, 2020

    I have been trying to get that file for a while and unfortunately I couldn’t do it. Can I ask for the download?
    Link is
    Password is 7zy4

  26. Nao
    May 27, 2020

    Hi Sam, Many many thanks for your tutorial. I was successfully able to download files on Baidu by following your way to create Baidu account. You are awesome! Again, thank you so much for all your time to work this out.

  27. Dan
    May 29, 2020

    Hey I cant seem to figure out this hacking stuff do you still download files if the link and passcode is provided? Much appreciated if so, here is the link to the download.

    Extraction code: fwsx

  28. Ricky
    May 30, 2020

    Tried your links but couldn’t get it to work. Are you able to help me with a download?
    Password is daixunshu

  29. subli
    June 2, 2020

    Hi Sam. Same for my country..Can’t register.. Can you please do this one : pass : n5ud and please pack it with different name so it can’t be instantly deleted when you upload .. Thank you !

  30. Jack
    June 5, 2020

    Hi Sam. Could help me with this I have been trying to get for quite a while?

    Link: Password: py97

    Thanks in advance !!!

  31. Joe
    June 11, 2020

    Hi Sam,

    Anyway you can upload this file?

    Thanks so much! You are a live saver during covid.

    • Muideen Samuel
      June 11, 2020

      You want me to download or upload?

      • Joe
        June 13, 2020

        Thank you again.

      • Joey
        June 13, 2020

        Would you be able to upload it to a mediafire link? Thanks!

        Great Website! Baidu is so troublesome : (

        • Muideen Samuel
          June 13, 2020

          The file size is much it will take weeks to download.

          Why not create your baidu account and download it yourself.

  32. Akash
    June 13, 2020

    Hi Sam,

    Can you help to download this

    extraction code: 6yqj

  33. John
    June 17, 2020

    Please help me with this download from baidu:

    Password: ie27

    Thank you!

  34. Arnarn
    June 18, 2020

    can you help download this? thanks.

  35. gaurav
    June 19, 2020

    Sir needed this

  36. gaurav
    June 19, 2020
  37. Gabriel
    June 23, 2020

    Hey Sir can you help me w this: please and thanks

  38. Flobby
    June 26, 2020

    Please help me with this download from baidu:

    pass: wi6h

  39. Tom smith
    June 26, 2020

    Please help me with this download from baidu:

    pass: wi6h


  40. Sureesh
    June 26, 2020

    Sir would you be able to help with this?

    Code: 80d5

  41. Sureesh
    June 26, 2020

    Sir can you help with this
    or is it too big? Code: 80d5

  42. Anoni
    June 30, 2020

    Hi.. can you help me with this links please: 密码: xfp3 密码: rdz9


  43. seongmin
    July 3, 2020

    Hello, could you help me get these files?
    password: 9tq7

    by the way , the links to the new method leads to, and I am not sure if I am getting to the right link

  44. AI Student
    July 8, 2020

    would you please help me downloading this file, it’s for a computer graphics research:
    password: ezh6

    thank you so much!

  45. CamperWen
    July 8, 2020

    I would like to request assistance to download two files from this link. It’s about 200+MB altogether but I hope it’s not too much trouble. [code: oik9]

  46. Angular
    July 8, 2020

    you van help me please


  47. Antrax
    July 8, 2020

    hey man you can help me, thanks



  48. Nagisa
    July 11, 2020

    Sorry, could you help me download this file? I’d really appreciate it

  49. Bruh
    July 15, 2020

    I follow all step but it doesn’t work
    ( files that I wan’t to download is about 7gb)

  50. ctvenea
    July 16, 2020

    Please help, can you download this file from baidu, I can’t download myself:

    password: ie27


  51. Zou
    July 19, 2020

    Hi , Please help and post to mediafire

    extraction code: 7mbk

  52. WerVa
    July 21, 2020

    Hi Samuel can you help download this
    password: u86g

  53. GioBet
    July 23, 2020

    Hey there Samuel! How are you? Despite my efforts of following your guides on how to create an account and how to download, I could achieve nothing 🙁 Nothing is working for me.. So may I ask if you can download it for me, and reupload it somewhere else? It’s just 417MB. I’ll buy you a coffee 😉 Thank you.

    Link ->
    Psw -> ksin

  54. Robert Bernard
    July 25, 2020

    Hi, can you please download this file for me?

    Password: mbjm

  55. Sky
    July 26, 2020

    Hi, I’m having trouble downloading the files :\
    It keeps asking me for a login even after I did the whole tamper money thing
    The files I’m trying to download is in here it’s called 兰若MMD下山动作数据.zip and the pass is anf6

  56. Taringa
    July 29, 2020

    Hello Samuel, could you help me too downloading this album, please? I’ve tried following your steps but couldn’t succesfully download something
    Thanks in advance

    Pass: 4at5

  57. alessio
    July 29, 2020

    Hi samuel could you please download this:
    Baidu netdisk link:
    Extraction code: ixu8

  58. azure kioku
    July 29, 2020

    i know this is probably a long shot but i need this file:
    i tried your method and got nowhere, plz help

  59. shi chika
    July 31, 2020

    I have an account but I want to download without using the client. How can I do that? I’ve followed what I could from the article and it did not work.

  60. Jen Almondi
    August 1, 2020

    Hello. Thank you for your guide but i did not succed in downloading the files i wanted. I give you here the link in case you are able to help. Thank you again!

  61. Marie-May
    August 3, 2020

    Hey thanks for your help but I too am unable to download what I want. I’m trying to get this file: Thanks for your help!

  62. Louis
    August 3, 2020

    Hi , Samuel , can you help get this file ?
    it means a lot to me.

    I tried your method and i cant do it 🙁
    Pity me

    Thanks before Sam.

  63. jaidisom
    August 4, 2020

    poderia me ajudar por favor, eu comprei uma tvbox e a rom estava comropida, queria muito baixar a rom
    senha z0xb
    men faço qualquer coisa pra vc me ajudar

  64. chiyodaru
    August 4, 2020

    Hello, Samuel.
    Could you please help get this file?
    I desperately need this for my studies.
    Pardon my broken English.

  65. Nahuel
    August 5, 2020

    Already tried this, not succeding :S
    Will you please?

  66. Manuel
    August 10, 2020

    Hi i cant download 10mb file , i tried all here and i tried with Duspeaker app but not received the sms why can happen this?

  67. Nehuén
    August 10, 2020

    Hi , Samuel , can you help get this file ?
    I need it.
    I tried your method and i cant do it.
    Thank you and I hope you can help me.

  68. Willy
    August 14, 2020

    I can’t get the script to work, and the download manager does not work with google chrome.
    Here’s the file I’m trying to download:

  69. Nuno Soares
    August 17, 2020

    Can you download this file for me?
    Thank you.

  70. Michael
    August 18, 2020

    Hi Samuel, can you help please get this file? I have try all I could and cannot download. Password: t2sb
    Thank you

  71. nayy
    August 19, 2020

    Hello! So sorry for bothering you, but can you help me with these files? (29.6 mb) – Password: u7cd (117.8 mb) – Password: 10bx (48.3 mb) no password

  72. Den
    August 28, 2020

    Hi try your method, but script not help, could you download this folder? Thank you
    pass: cg7y

  73. Naomi
    August 28, 2020

    Hi Samuel!

    I’ve been trying to get these for the last 2-3 weeks, tried many methods, even got in touch with the developer but no luck. If you could help me out with the download I’d be forever grateful.

  74. Den
    August 29, 2020

    Thank you for another guide, I already register baidu, set login, download windows client but can’t login in, but with android app it worked! many thanks Muideen Samuel

    • Muideen Samuel
      August 29, 2020

      To sign in on your windows client, use the scan and logging method.

      Am glad the method works for you.

  75. Nonaru
    August 29, 2020

    Hi , Samuel , can you help please get this file? – Password: 7gmw – Password: a9df
    Thank you

  76. Rafael
    August 30, 2020

    Hi Samuel! Could you help me? I would like to download this file below… pass: m91w

    • Muideen Samuel
      August 30, 2020

      The page no longer exist

      • Rafael
        August 31, 2020

        Ok, no problem. Thanks for try,

  77. tim
    September 2, 2020

    hola Muideen, muchas gracias por tu publicacion, pero no he podido lograr descargar el archivo con ninguno de los 2 metodos,el segundo porque ahora no admite numeros que no sean de china.he estado intentándolo durante varios dias y parece que van modificando su sistema constantemente..te agradecería mucho si puedes descargar este archivo por mi.ya no se que mas hacer para poder descargarlo.
    muchas gracias estaré atento a cualquier nuevo método que publiques
    pass: ew18

  78. tim
    September 4, 2020

    Hi samuel !!! thank you for your post. I tried several times but I couldnt do it. because it doesnt accept cellphones number from other countryes than china. could you please helpme with this file???
    pass: ew18

  79. Petru
    September 6, 2020

    I’ve been stuck with this baidu filehost for months now.
    1. My number is from Romania so it’s not possible to even register an account using de phone app.
    2. Using another account (voluntarly made by someone like you who wanted to help people) to login is requesting phone number code.
    3. All the extensions, codes and all github projects failed me until now.
    I don’t know if there is possible to get this two links:
    Pass: r8w2
    Pass: 0uxu

  80. Marvin
    September 9, 2020

    If Muideen is still capable of DL files from baidu, can you help me with this one?
    Pass: xx22

  81. Franco Lopez
    September 11, 2020

    Hello Samuel, i tried your Register Baidu Account 2020 tutorial, but unfortunately Spain +34 phone code is not available.
    Can you upload this file link to mediafire, thanks in advance.

  82. Raxsor
    September 12, 2020

    hi samue!!! i tried the 2°tutorial and doesn’t work, i sent 2 message but i didn’t recive any answer, so i’m posting here. can u help me with this file?

  83. Mr.Feet
    September 14, 2020

    Could you please get this file?
    pass: 9uny

  84. Ang
    September 15, 2020

    Hello , i tried all the ways but nothing works. My country (Greece) isnt even in the phone list to creat an account.
    Is it possible to download this file ?
    Thanks in advanced.

  85. Seb
    September 16, 2020


    Merci pour votre tuto, mais cela ne fonctionne pas chez moi :/

    Possible de me dwl les fichiers ci-dessous et de réunir sur zyppyshare ?
    Merci d’avance
    MDP : ucgm
    MDP : cckp
    MDP : 1cdk

    Merci =)

  86. Seb
    September 16, 2020


    Thank you for your tutorial, but it does not work for me: /

    Possible to dwl me the files below and put together on zyppyshare?
    Thank you in advance
    Password : ucgm
    Password : cckp
    Password : 1cdk

  87. Ramesh
    September 25, 2020

    Could you please download and share below file.

  88. Abraham
    September 29, 2020

    Excuse me Good Man I have tried the above processes but it has not worked for me. I was wondering if you could download the file for me.
    This is the link:
    Password: nrk7

    In advance thank you very much for your attention.

  89. KJ Pfeil
    October 1, 2020

    Hi. Wow, you helped a lot of people. Thanks for that hard work. I don’t want to be a burden, but i could not download a file following the steps. Could you please help me?
    Here’s the link:
    Password: wrx5
    Thank you so much in advance.

  90. Ivan Segovia
    October 3, 2020

    hello I just found your post and I need help.
    I have a month trying to download this:
    could you help me?
    Or could you make an account that you share with us so that we don’t give you so much trouble?

  91. Joan
    October 19, 2020

    Hi, I try but couldn’t work. Is it possible to help me download the file below:
    extraction code: 8m4i

  92. rudra
    October 23, 2020

    Hey bro can you download this course please:

  93. M3
    October 24, 2020

    Hi Samuel

    I’m Christian from Argentina and I simply want to download a 400mb video file that I cannot find in any other site or internet server, so I come for your help in case you could upload it to google drive or mediafire at any time you have free and want to do it.

    This is the link:

    pass: ukwa

    I will be very grateful for your help. greetings from south america !!

  94. ren
    October 28, 2020

    hello i’ve tried all and it doesn’t work…

    is it possible to download this file?
    password : dcow


  95. John
    November 1, 2020

    It didn’t work for me.When I click the download button and enter the captcha, it just tells me to download the netdisk client.

    Sam,Could you please help me get the file from the below link.
    password: ygdi

  96. Jd
    November 12, 2020

    As of 2020, the method doesn’t work.
    I really want to download this mod for a racing sim:

  97. Carl
    November 18, 2020

    I’ve tried for a few hours to get this to work and no luck.

    If you could retrieve for me, you would be a legend!

  98. Jake
    November 21, 2020

    Hi, would you please be able to download these files for me, it would be greatly appreciated!
    Password: 2b6v

    Thanks again!

  99. Christofer
    November 23, 2020

    Hello Sam

    Been messaging you
    Still just in case you miss it,

    Is it fine with you to help me download this
    Pass: 1ib2

    Thank you sam

  100. Jon
    November 29, 2020


    I have tried everything and cannot create an account. I am trying to download this file. Any help would be appreciated.

    Extraction code: 6sv8

  101. grobyc
    December 1, 2020

    Hi, would you please be able to download these files for me, it would be greatly appreciated!
    Password: btz3

    Thanks again!

  102. franks2
    December 12, 2020


  103. John
    December 24, 2020

    Tried both ways but I couldn’t get the file. Please help me!

    Thank you very much. Hope you can help me.

    Address: (FLAC folder files only. not interested on mp3)
    Password: 8jo6

  104. GuQin
    December 24, 2020

    Hi, could you help me download something? I have recently started trying to learn the guqin and there aren’t many resources on English websites, I found something but it is on Baidu and I tried DuSpeaker and other methods but those didn’t work for me. I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me download the videos and the PDF in this folder, it is password protected and the password is im88:

  105. Airwolf
    December 25, 2020

    I tried the method here but the duspeaker app will not open on my phone 🙁

  106. Tib
    December 29, 2020

    Hi Samuel,

    Thank you for your work. I tried everything before reading the comment, to see that it is not working anymore.
    No way for me to creat an account with phone number, my country is not implemented into Baidu (phone number coutry code doens’t exist…).

    Would it be possible for you to help me download this file please?

    It’s a bit heavy (800mb), but i can’t find it anywhere else…
    Thank you very much.

  107. Miguel Angel
    January 1, 2021

    Hello, your method although interesting seems that it does not admit numbers from Spain, I have also contacted you privately but I don’t know if that was the correct method. Can you help me with these drivers? it’s three small files. Thanks in advance.

  108. cel
    January 6, 2021

    Hi Samuel,

    Thank you for your work. I tried both tutorail but it stills not working…
    I also tried to create an account with my phone number but my country is not
    available in the baidu list!
    Would you be able to downlaod this file for me please?

    Best regards

  109. SyMBA NiGHT
    January 8, 2021

    Hi Samuel,

    Been reading and trying every Toturial, but Baidu mechanics has changed.
    Could you help me to download the following files:


    Link: Password: 78ob


  110. bill gass
    January 11, 2021

    hi Sam here is the link: the password is. qixy
    I also tried to create an account with my phone number but my country is not
    available in the baidu list!
    Would you be able to downlaod this file for me please?

  111. Manuel Gomez
    January 12, 2021

    Hi Samuel

    If you can help me I will be very pleased.
    Pass: 1ylm
    I tried so hard to download but it seems imposible

  112. Trenu Caudillo
    February 5, 2021

    Can you download this for me? I don’t know the extraction code…I need the file badly though, thanks if you can help!

  113. Farrukh Ahmed
    February 19, 2021

    can you please download these for me ?
    Password: 3l8v
    Password: qp60

  114. steven688
    February 20, 2021

    bro pls help need to download this 500mb in total

  115. sasaha nedovolni
    February 20, 2021

    sry bro i forgot about password
    password:xf1t 500mb

  116. Rem
    February 28, 2021

    Attempting to download a folder of files off attempted your method but sadly no luck.
    The link is
    with the Extraction code

    Any chance you can help me out Samuel?

    • Rem
      February 28, 2021

      Also attempted to make an account multiple times even posted on the China Reddit but to no avail ;-;

    • Muideen Samuel
      March 6, 2021

      The size of your file is higher than the maximum I can download, sorry.

  117. Pat
    March 1, 2021


    I tried the method but it didn’t work. I’m also unable to create an account because I don’t have android. Would you be able to reupload this file?

    Thank you very much.

  118. Gayan Wijayarathne
    March 5, 2021

    Hello Muideen, could you please help me with downloading this file please?

    Link: Password: wn2k

  119. Hans Klos
    March 6, 2021

    Hi Samuel,
    could you please help me with downloading this file please?
    pass: f8q4

  120. Lucas YTH
    March 6, 2021

    Hi Samuel,
    could you help me with this file please?
    the pass: CTCB
    I really tried everything and it didn’t work.
    Thanks so much!

  121. Marcel
    March 10, 2021

    medifire is fine.

    i cannot download the file with your tutorial :/

  122. Jinnie Parker
    March 11, 2021

    Hi Samuel,
    I tried so hard to download but it seems imposible
    I also tried to create an account with my phone number but my country is not
    available in the baidu list!
    Would you be able to downlaod this file for me please?
    pass: 6j18

  123. Frieskaven Frieskaven
    March 12, 2021

    can you help me to download this?
    password: 3k63

    • Muideen Samuel
      March 12, 2021

      Your file is about 6.5gb, that’s on the high side please leave a message here

      • Frieskaven Frieskaven
        March 12, 2021

        thank you for helping me to making pan baidu account.
        You are very patient and good at explaining.. even though my English is bad and looks impolite, you are patient and guide me

  124. Oscar Sandoval
    March 14, 2021

    Hi. Can you download this file for me?(129MB)
    password: QM9x

  125. Marc
    March 14, 2021

    Hi Samuel,

    I’m also having trouble… 🙁 If it’s not too inconvenient for you, I was wondering if you could help me download this small (14 MB) file:
    Password: 7ulq

    Thank you!

  126. Kate
    March 15, 2021

    Hi Samuel, can you help me to download this file? Extraction code is : sbc1. Thank you!

  127. Istari
    March 15, 2021

    Hi Samuel,

    I tried using the ex-baiduyunpan script as well as a few successors of it that I found, but none sent anything to proxyee down, and the extension from within proxyee down did start a task but it never made any progress before failing.
    I also tried to make a baidu account, but it wouldn’t accept my phone number.
    Could you try downloading the file for me?
    Password: 1zt3

    Thanks for your help.

    • Muideen Samuel
      March 15, 2021

      Almost every tutorial on the internet stopped working, I just checked your file and it’s 1.42Gb I can’t download the file but I can help you with an account to download it yourself. Please leave a message here https//

      • Istari
        March 19, 2021

        That link doesn’t seem to work, is there another link you can provide?

  128. eric
    March 18, 2021

    Hi, I am trying to download the following file: password: xxc2

    Your assistance is appreciated!

  129. Kat
    March 21, 2021

    Hello, I am having trouble with this file. Could you help me download it? Thank you!
    Password: mJAl

  130. Caio melo
    March 26, 2021

    i can’t not download with the method, but the dude of this post helped me a create a account on the site. thanks dude

  131. MaRti
    March 27, 2021
  132. John Calvin
    March 29, 2021

    Hi can you help me download this file?

    can you also help me create a baidu account?
    please send to my email thank you

  133. Christopher
    April 4, 2021

    Samuel was very kind to help me setting up a baidu account. I use the baidu netdisk client on PC and needed a baidu account for downloading a large 2GB file. I tried a lot with fake phone numbers but they all didn’t work. Samuel suggested to try out a free app first, unfortunately it was also not working in my country (Germany). Then we decided to buy a phone number and it is working now! Samuel was very supportive and did all the registration stuff. Thank you man!

  134. Alpin
    April 6, 2021

    hey buddy can you help me to download this file as well, mediafire or mega wherever suits you. many thanks in advance.

    • Muideen Samuel
      April 6, 2021

      Your file is 1.33GB please leave a message here

      • Alpin
        April 6, 2021

        Sam is a great and kind guy, he helped me to set up a Baidu account. He is very supportive, allocated his time to help me to register on Baidu and he did all of it. Thank you very much!

  135. Özgür
    April 6, 2021

    can someone help meee
    password: s7xf

  136. AmamiyaYuki
    April 10, 2021

    could you help me please?

    password is 98si

  137. Nataly_manga
    April 18, 2021

    Please, can you help me? In Mega or MediaFire or other site, please. Thank you

    Password: 7bzt

  138. Dmytro K
    April 20, 2021

    Please help to download.
    key: xs7q

  139. Worden Kasil
    April 21, 2021

    Can you please help me? Love you so much

    password: 3eyu

  140. Finn
    April 22, 2021

    Hi, Can you help me with this links please:
    Password: hvx1

  141. Carlos
    April 25, 2021

    Hi, i really need these files, i hope you can help me!
    pass: xxm5

  142. Jay
    April 30, 2021

    I have an account but how do i download files at a faster speed?
    Any help is appreciated.

  143. shrvxo
    May 2, 2021

    Can you help me with this:
    Password: mch5

  144. Shiachi
    May 3, 2021

    Can you help me with this links please:

  145. Lisa
    May 3, 2021

    Hello! Just wanted to ask if there’s a 2021 solution to downloading files from

    I tried following through with the tampermonkey solution but whenever i click it, only the javascript runs and it prompts me to a pop-up that says “请输入初始化暗号”. the files i’m downloading do not have passwords so I can’t seem to run the script to launch the download.

    thank you so much!

  146. Ali Pouriraj
    May 5, 2021

    would you help me with this link:


    I would appreciate it

  147. James Hamm
    May 5, 2021

    I haven’t gotten through every method yet but I believe you would have it done much quicker than I.
    I can’t find this anywhere else. Your help would be very much appreciated!

    In case you’re able to get it first.

  148. James Hamm
    May 5, 2021

    Hey just wanted to let you know, I wasn’t able to get my download going without an account using this guide, but I was able to after your tutorial for creating an account outside of China, which was much much easier with the help of Google Lens for translation of course. Thanks a bunch! There are several things I was needing that only Baidu had that I thought were just not gonna happen but NOT anymore. You kick ass, Guy!

    • Muideen Samuel
      May 7, 2021

      Sorry I couldn’t reply to your previous comment on time and am glad my other tutorial works for you.

      Thanks for the Visit 😊

  149. Miguel
    May 8, 2021

    Can you help me with this file, I’ve been trying different methods for the last 5 hours and can’t get it to work.
    password: qnwh

  150. Markus
    May 28, 2021

    Hello Sam,

    I try to create an Baidu account using your guide but my country code isn’t listed.
    This file is a program I need for one of my machines.
    I’ve tried to download it before bothering you, but haven’t been able to. Would you be so kind as to send it to me please? Very thankful!

  151. Markus
    May 28, 2021

    Thank you Samuel! You’re the best. I’ve already sent you a message.

  152. DarkSider2442
    May 30, 2021
  153. Monty
    June 16, 2021

    Thank you so much for your help Samuel. It worked very well.

  154. Libor
    June 19, 2021

    Hi Samuel, unfortunately I still can’t register, can I ask you for help?
    Password: DQDZ
    thanks in advance

  155. Dmytro K
    June 20, 2021

    Dear Sumuel! Plese help one more time, the small one)
    Thx in advance!

  156. Lucky
    June 24, 2021

    Hi sir I need help with this file kindly assist me
    Extract code, a4qh

  157. Gr3e
    July 9, 2021

    This one doesn’t work but i tried from; and it worked. Thank you for your fast response :D.

  158. Greg
    July 9, 2021

    This one from worked. Thankyou for your fast response! I search a bunch of sites unfortunately none of them worked until i found that one and i’m glad your response is fast. Thank you~!

  159. Aaron
    July 11, 2021

    Hi! I was hoping you could download this for me! I don’t have a pan baidu acc and do not have an android phone to create one, sadly.. anyway, here’s the link:

    The password is: CP42

    Thank you!!

  160. Abdul Akhartz
    July 26, 2021

    Hi Sam, I tried several times but all failed. I would be very thankful if you could help me with this pdf!

  161. Fe
    July 27, 2021

    Hi Samuel, could you help me with this link please:
    The password is: 6qnu

    Hope you can help me and Thank you!

  162. ícaro Fellini Ferreira de Almeida
    July 27, 2021

    Can someone help me to download these books?
    Thank you very much guys!

  163. Kieth
    September 12, 2021

    Sam is extremely helpful and responsive. The guide works!
    Thank You!

  164. BeleN
    November 3, 2021

    Hi Samuel! This tutorial is really helpful, thanks so much for sharing it 🙂 Sadly I tried several times and it doesn’t want to work for me 🙁
    Can you help me to download any of this files, please? Password: 6bm7 Password: 2ejw Password: ichk

    Thank you so much!! And thanks again for all the effort and help you bring to all the people that end here ^_^

  165. Amal Don
    December 15, 2021

    I have an Account bu the speed is just 200-400 kbs its just terrible can you help me to solve this

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